House of Cards: Part 1…Lance Burton saw the show!

Bryan performs his show for Lance Burton at House of Cards in Nashville, TN!

Ok, so I have a story from my run at House of Cards that I’ve saved until now. In my many years of doing magic for events, his was a very cool “come full circle” moment that I got to experience.

One of the magicians I watched on TV from the time I was very young was Lance Burton. Of course, pretty much every magician in the world knows that name. He had his own TV specials on NBC and headlined his own theater in Las Vegas.

Right after high school, we took a family trip to Las Vegas and my dad asked that if I could only see one show, what would it be? I said without hesitation…”Lance Burton.” We went to that show, sat front row and I loved every second of it. At the end, along with the rest of the audience, I gave him a standing ovation. Didn’t get the opportunity to meet him after, but it was an amazing show.

Well, fast forward almost 19 years later to the day, I performed my show at House of Cards and at the end, along with the rest of the audience…Lance Burton gave me a standing ovation! Lance just happened to be traveling through Nashville, TN that Saturday and made reservations to come see the show. Having one of my earliest magic inspirations in my audience was as cool as it could possibly get. He even stayed in the theater and talked to me for several minutes after and was very complimentary about my show. Of course, I talked to him about my favorite pieces in his show because how could I not?

Very seriously, an incredibly nice guy and a really great memory to have!

Click here to read part 2 and learn about this amazing venue!