Company Luncheon Entertainment…You SERIOUSLY need to do this!

January 26th, 2024|

Company Luncheon Entertainment...You SERIOUSLY need to do this! Productivity literally doubled. Everyone saw it too. Company luncheons have a major flaw if they don't have entertainment...something to wake everybody back up! I used to see company luncheon's with entertainment [...]

Entertainment for a Holiday Event…3 Common Booking Mistakes!

January 26th, 2024|

Holiday Event ENTERTAINMENT 3 Common Mistakes If you're making these mistakes for your holiday event, don't tell people you were in charge of the entertainment. Whether it's national corporate events, or local magic shows in Charlotte, Christmas parties are [...]

Event Budget: Cutting the Right Corners

January 24th, 2024|

Event Budget: Cutting the Right Corners Most event planners ignore what I'm about to tell you. Whether you want to believe it or not, I've seen clients get back half their event budget just from doing one of these. [...]

The Best Christmas Movie You’ve Never Heard Of!

December 22nd, 2023|

The Best Christmas Movie You've Never Heard Of!   After doing lot of magic at Christmas parties the last few weeks, I wanted to give a recommendation. Believe it or not, a Christmas movie recommendation. I don't say [...]